Address the Board

The board meets regularly to discuss the current affairs of the manor.

Policy for addressing the Board of Directors

Residents are always welcome to address the all-volunteer Board of Directors at the monthly business meetings. As the Board has much work to accomplish at the meetings, it is imperative to keep the meeting organized and on schedule. Therefore, the Board has established the following guidelines:

Residents intending to attend must notify the Board, in writing to the Manor office, at least one week in advance of the meeting date so as to be included on the agenda.

  • The written notification must include specifics regarding the issue to be discussed, along with any supporting photos or data. Advance information will allow the Board the option to research the problem and possible solutions prior to the meeting, which may facilitate decision making.
  • The Board will schedule 15 minutes per resident presentation. All discussions will take place behind closed doors, as the subject matter is often sensitive. The 15 minute window will allow for questions and discussion and will be timed and enforced.
  • If time permits, the Board will discuss the presentation following the resident’s departure from the meeting.
  • If a decision is required, the resident will be notified in writing following the Board’s discussion.

If you wish to submit a comment or concern to the board without attending or waiting for a meeting,

please visit this page and fill out the form located on it.  If you wish to attend the next board meeting, use the same

form to submit your request, tell us what you want to discuss and attach any material to the form when you click

on that page.